How to Find Your Own Personal Style? You Should Be Following in 2017
Looking great is less about what’s “in” and what’s “out” and more about what works best for YOU. Whether you are reaching for the next level in your career or embracing a lifestyle change, developing a style that is in sync with who you are says to everyone who sees you “I know who I am”.
Style is an art and a science and it is the sum of who we are. It’s not about beauty; it’s about being inherently individual, distinctive, and many times original.
There’s a saying that you either have it or you don’t, but we believe having style in how you dress can be learned and developed. The skill of dressing your best is developed through knowledge and use of your most flattering colors – your color style – plus an understanding of your body style and how to dress it in the most flattering way.
But it’s your personal style — your spirit, your character — that pulls your look together. If you ignore your personal style and only buy clothes because they are the latest “must haves” or trends of the season, you lose your identity and risk wasting your clothing dollars.
How often have you tried something on and said, “It’s just not me.” Why not? It was not reflecting your “personal style”. It’s important to understand and respect what is most comfortable for you to wear, what feels like you.
Then, to present your best self, relate it to the fashion style that’s appropriate for your lifestyle. Here are the five most often referenced fashion personality types and characteristics of each:
1. Tailored Classic – you like an understated, refined look with simple lines and balanced proportions.
2. Sportive – you like comfortable clothing – sportswear that’s suitable for active sports and casual lifestyles.
3. Romantic – you like soft, unstructured, flowing clothing and very feminine touches.
4. Dramatic – you like bold lines, intense colors, striking effects.
5. Creative/Artistic – you like imaginative, artistic, unconventional mixtures.
Which personality type feels most like you? This is the type that reflects your most dominant personal style. You might be a combination of these styles, as many women are.
Your career or lifestyle might require a certain way of dressing but for you to feel comfortable and confident, your clothing must also give you the feeling of “it’s me”. Well never fear, we’ve done the hard search for you. Browse MyDressLine's Collection which suit any personal style.
Find more How to Find Your Own Personal Style? You Should Be Following in 2017